SWAMPED by controversy caused by ineffectual leadership until the September Congress in Firenze , UCI may now find itself on shifting sands once again ? Defeating Mc Quaid , may have been the easiest part of Brian Cookson's take over of the UCI Presidency ?
In order to retain control of the UCI , mc quaid had to " Win friends and influence people "! Was part of this effort , so many " Quid pro Quos "? Where in the UCI Aigle office , did he deposit ALL those Le Tour Sanctions that were created by about 200 Pro World Racers that were seeking " Fame and Glory " at the 100th Le Tour ?
THEY DIDN'T DOPE ? They didn't race SKY Team , to stop them WINNING the 100th Le Tour ?
Do " pigs fly " ? Were there " Anti Doping Inspectors " at Le Tour ? I met a bunch of them at the Argos -Shimano Team Hotel , as they arrived , breakfast time , on the Saturday of the 1st Etappe ! They even offered to test me , as they climbed out of the Le Tour Vehicles . I even told them who would win that day , having said as much to the Mechanics of the team , whilst topping off my wheels from their compressor .
Maybe it was bravado that caused me to name Kittel , but Thor will tell you i told him on the last Sunday at an earlier Dauphine Libere that i expected him to win that etappe and Millar will also tell you the same story of another occasion , as will Oscar & Phillippe of others . Guess the funniest prediction was me trying to educate Horner , in how to say " Aider HandiSport " , when he arrived on the Podium of that Tour de Suisse Etappe , that night ? Not having met him before , but knowing his reputation , i had fluked that one ?
Whilst the Dutch conducted an investigation of the Rabobank Team earlier this year , Micheal Rasmussen was writing his recently revealed book . No doubt he would have tipped off a few of his previous team colleagues as a matter of courtesy ? Whilst UCI was having the new regimes " Extraordinary Management Meeting " , Razzie was letting the press know the contents of his book . Several of the 2007 Tour de France Rabobank Team took issue with his " 100% Team PED Usuage declaration " , Oscar Freire threatening Legal action , was one result .
But then controversy sells BOOKS ! Doesn't it ?
Out of the wings popped Ryder Hesjedal , winner of the 2012 Giro d'Italia for Garmin , he went on to be the Canadian Athlete of that year ! Seems that he agreed to the facts revealed by " Razzie " , of his learning to " Dope " in 2003 ! Of course he regetted that course of action , decided that it was not for him . It is rumoured that he sat down with USADA and the Canadian ADA Authorities , towards the end of 2012 , and discussed / revealed his personal situation .
Reports confirm that he did not race for a substantial period , in fact i met him at the 2013 Giro d'Italia in Tarvisio , where he was no longer in contention for this year's podium . Seems that lack of racing time was a factor , in the lack of ability to contest that year ? Was this a period that he was excluded , as were other Garmin Racers ,who were unable to race in the US Team as they received a 6 month suspension , for owning up to their " Doping antics " , with Lance Armstrong Teams in past years ?
Lance Armstrong has even joined the media circus in the past few days :
So far all that has appeared is pure vanilla . Lance keeps teasing the story that is being offered , with assersions that " more facts will be offered to WADA /UCI / Truth & Reconciliation "! So let's hope the next instalments don't put us to sleep ? Guessing that Benson of Cycling News , wants to create a " scoop " , which was Oprah's hope , when she had Lance on the January TV show ?
So far as most people/anyone can see , Lance appears to be the ONLY Racer who has suffered any serious consequences for their " Doping Career "!
With the USADA Reasoned Decision , SKY Team decided to enforce their " No Tolerance Policy " , by quickly requiring relevation of ALL personnel's previous Career PED exposure . Net result was the departure of Racers and Support Staff by the end of the 2012 Season . Who can be sure of the " Personal Reasons " , that prompted so many well known people to depart for " pastures new "? Retirements and new teams were the result for many . Rumour and innuendo followed .
In other teams , there were departures , one well known GT Leader , levi Leipheimer , appears to have left the Pro World Race Team scene , unwillingly , since no other Team has offered him a place in the 2013 season . Seems that even though he won the Vuelta , Chris Horner , may suffer the same fate , although there is conjecture that he is demanding TOO High a salary for the 2014 Season ?
So with these results for COMING FORWARD , does anyone dispute the possibility that there are MANY Racers , with cupboards full of " rattling bones ", unwilling to trust that their relevations of giving up " PED Use " in 2003 , will leave their Cycling Career intact ?
Last year we saw the UCI score an OWN Goal , when they announced in November , some of the Pro World Teams that would be in the 2014 Season ! Those elected then included Katousha , but later that Team was removed , then reinstated after a visit to CAS ! This past week , we see a repeat of that process, and various other Teams required to present more information to satisfy the Authorities appointed to vet their credentials .
In OTHER Posts , i have stated that my view is that , this is TOO Late in the season to be conducting these procedures ! Fact is it is telling SPONSORS , that Teams are " living Hand to Mouth ", not like they behave , with their 5 and 10 year Plans and Budgets ! WHAT a way to run a business ?
Hurray , we are " Pro world Team "! Right NOW , order the kit ! Call the Racers , tell them which Races they will ride next season ! Ring the Leasing Companies , tell them we need THAT Equipment , tell the Sponsors they can Advertise the fact we are " Pro World Status "! What did i miss ?
IT IS NOT EASY RUNNING A PRO WORLD TEAM , on a dime's notice !
COME ON UCI , get it together !
Oh , by the way , YOU STILL have to decide the Pro Continental Teams , AND , they have to order KIT, Equipment , Advertising , etc !
Then you have to let the OTHERS , those that did not get the NOD , that they are staying in " Conti Status ", thus FINALLY knowing what to put on THEIR KIT , Equipment , etc !
Will we be in the same place next year Anto ? See the tweets !
UCI has a lot of ground to cover in Mens Road Racing , so it will come as no surprise that Womens Racing Status , promised last week , after the Management meeting , is still in the pipe line !
However Para Cycling has a place ALSO ! These Athletes were absorbed by the UCI in Hein Verbruggen's day ! I recall him telling me in his Geneva West Office , about those plans . Those plans took Para Cycling from the Para Body , into UCI control in the early 2000s .
It appears that Colin has GOOD reason for concerns and thus his open letter here :
" Life wasn't meant to be easy ", a well known phrase , i recall that Malcolm Fraser remark , from my early days , but IF UCI has such a thin " Track program " planned for the next years , then the 2016 Paralympic Track Events will be a DISASTER !
Those in doubt about Colin's hard graft should read his blog " 637daystogo.blogspot.com "!