Saturday, July 9, 2011


Thankyou for taking my hand yesterday evening but had you not been in a hurry i could have passed this info in private , check this link :

Nicholas Roche is not the only rider who has made the point about the exit from the Cap on wednesday ! Frankly i knew it was going to happen so arranged for my transport to wait at Matignon 10 km along the road to Dinan !

Every year there are these " cockups " where the " evacuation plan " becomes chaos ! ONE WAY TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM is to use the " Presedential Motor Velos " to lead out the TEAM PULLMANS before anyoneelse is allowed to move ! The VIP s can have that extra drink in the VIP areas that they have paid to use and the public should be held back for the required 30mins or so and if they think they are so important to break the " curfew " then the Gendarmerie can collect " Penalties " after they are turned off the road into holding areas .

IMPORTANT TO MAKE SURE that traffic goes in one dirrection ONLY ! About 6 km down the road i took to Matignon i found a grey Skoda " Decalled S/wagon " with a driver in a Lilac shirt telling the Gendarmerie Officers he was entitled to drive against the oncoming traffic to pick up his passengers ! Had he been allowed to do so he would have found the road was too narrow and countless thousands of cars would have been trapped and delayed further . I did see Three roads of traffic come together in the Village beside the " Cap " and the rear of the SKY TEAM bus dissappear led out by a Motor Velo ! Could be some Teams are more equal than others !

I have not seen you at the Tour de Suisse but believe studying their traffic management methods would be worth your time ! Of course they also have the odd calamity , one of which resulted in me riding my bike from the Team Telecom bus parking and leaving there at the same time but having me waiting in their hotel at Bellinzola wondering why they were not there ! Yes even in Switzerland the racers get treated shabbily when " evacuation procedures " break down !

Many more ideas are available but since you picked my brains whilst awaiting " JM "s departure and you have done little for " Handisport " since i wonder if you will act if they are offered !

By the way , one of your security guys (turd brigade ) photoed me with the " 3 star General " on Wednesday night and i would appreciate a copy of the photo which he could email to ! Thursday morning i met the General's colleague a " 2 star General " but i have that photo on the blog already !

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